Thursday, 2 March 2017

Upgrade Windows 7 To Windows 10 Urgently

Windows 7 was a good operating system from Microsoft. In fact, it was one of the best operating systems which came in the market, along with Windows 98, Windows XP and Windows 95. However, with time, it got backdated, if not less appealing. Moreover, Microsoft has just decided to end the official support from Windows 7 and that is a dangerous news. No matter how much you love the OS, you need to move on as it will be targeted by the hackers as the protection will be gone.

However, Microsoft also introduced Windows 10 which is even a better version of Windows 7 and has many newer features and added security. Considering everything, it is the perfect time for Windows 7 to 10 migration.

However, organisational migration is not as easy as personal migration. Not only the computers are spread around the world, for a multinational company, but there are confidential and critical data which should be safe during migration. The internal applications which the business uses for daily operation should not be affected by the shift and also daily operation of business shouldn’t be interrupted during the upgrade process. This is why it takes a professional agency to handle organisational upgrade. Thankfully, there are a few agencies who are doing good work in this field and they have the resources, experience and skills for these jobs. You should sit with them, formulate a strategy for the upgrade, fix a time and ask for a quotation.

Upgrade From IE8 to IE11 Safely

Microsoft operating system comes packed with Internet Explorer, the native web browser for the system. As it is the native program, it works the best in the Windows environment and organisations stick to it because they can get support and update from Microsoft themselves. They build their internal software and online resources compatible with Internet Explorer for the best usability.

However, when new versions of Internet Explorer hit the market, despite Microsoft’s best efforts for backward compatibility, they sometimes break the internal software of the organisation. However, these legacy applications are vital and critical for the operation of the business.

IE8 has been a hugely popular version of Internet Explorer and it was continued for years. Thus, many organisations built their applications based on this browser. However, the latest offering from Microsoft is IE11 which is much better, faster and of course, safer version of the browser. Microsoft is endlessly stressing the importance of upgrade from IE8 to IE11 as well. Companies are worried though as they can’t risk to break down their critical internal applications.

Thus, they need the help of a professional agency. The agency will upgrade the browser without breaking the internal application. Moreover, the agency will do the upgrade for remote locations as well so the organisation doesn’t need to hire experts to visit their every office. This is even more important if the company has a worldwide presence. Moreover, a professional agency will get the upgrade done without disrupting the daily operation of the business.

Cyber Security is Investment, Not Expense

Cyber attack is not a news anymore, it is that much commonplace. Every day we can hear about a company facing hacking attack. While the methods and the weapons are more sophisticated now, the lack of preparation and awareness from the companies only help these criminals. At least, two third of the companies have no written down course of action to prevent cyber attack or even to recover after a cyber attack.

There can be different types of attacks; SQL injection, phishing, scripting, DDoS, data sniffing are some of the common methods used by the hackers. While phishing is more like duping the user to give out confidential details, there are other attacks, like DDoS, where a common company worker can do nothing to help. Here arises the need of having a professional cyber security agency beside you. They can provide ample security against cyber attack in real time. For example, when a DDoS starts, they can sniff it and quickly take protective measures. They often install firewall to allow only secured access to the server.

A professional cyber security agency or team is not an expense, all the companies must realise this. It’s like the lock of your house, they keep you safe and thus, it’s an investment which yields safety in return. Companies often think they are too small and insignificant to be target of hackers but here they are wrong. Information and data is power and hackers simply don’t discriminate. They often steal user data from smaller companies to use those to hack bigger organisations.

A Brief History of Microsoft Operating Systems

Windows is our most favourite computer operating system. Come on, let’s confess it, despite of a strong argument in favour of Linux and the presence of the Macboys, Windows have around 90% of PC operating system market. A monopoly in an open market tells us how good Microsoft has been in PC operating system.

Their success started early when they came up with Windows 1.0. However, their masterstroke was the Windows 95 which made it possible to use GUI to accomplish every bit of computing. That freed computers from the geeks and made it available for everyone, even the housewife who never touched a computer in her life. Then they followed up with their even advanced version, Windows 98 which came with more hardware support, even more in-depth GUI computing and many newer features.

Windows XP came next and was the most successful and loved operating system from Microsoft till now. Even when the official support has ended for Windows XP, many computers are still running on it. However, the next few versions of Windows suffered as Microsoft either failed to deliver something new or simply messed up. Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows Vista are some of the failures which Microsoft met before they came up with Windows 7 which again was loved by the users. Then they brought Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 which both failed miserably. Their latest offering is the all new Windows 10 and many users are swiftly opting for Windows 8 to 10 migration after the horrible experience they had with Windows 8.